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Cupcake Eating Contests in the US

Cupcake Eating Contests in the US

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A cupcake eating contest? Cupcakes are a sweet treat; many of us tend to eat whenever we get the chance or while we have our “cheat days” from dieting. At least once in their life, everyone has had a cupcake, probably except for those who don’t eat a particular ingredient used, or it must be an allergic reaction involved. But, let’s face it, most of us go on diets, and it can be frustrating, and we get tempted so easily in grabbing a quick bite. But nothing is wrong as we may have to do an extra 15-20 minutes in the gym to work off those extra calories (no need to tell your trainer anything!).

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Many of us try to stay away while others crave the sweet treat and would do anything to have a bite. If one can be hard to eat, imagine having up to 50 or more in just a couple of minutes? Sounds hard, right? Well, each year, various cupcake eating contests take place in the US and around the world. People take the time to visit and even participate in the yearly events, and records have shown that thousands of cupcakes are present for a single event. That’s a whole lot if you ask us! But these cupcake eating contests are annual events that people look forward to attending to relax and just have fun.

Cupcake Eating Contests in the US

The United States is known for hosting a few of these fantastic contests each year, and contestants look forward to breaking records and having their names at the top. We have researched a few of these events you can attend if you are in the area they are hosted. They include:

The Croissants Bistro & Bakery Cupcake Eating Contest

This contest is held on the 4th of July each year and is now heading into its 9th year. It is a festival which has, over the years, attracted a lot of visitors and locals alike to bask in some fantastic treats and see cake lovers take in as much as they can. The competition sees contestants being 18 years and older and enter through an invitation dubbed, “have their cake and eat it, too”. The location is a fascinating one, and the winner will be crowned champion of that year with prizes that include a trophy, medal, gift certificates, and cash prizes. However, each contestant has to register with a fee of $20.

The day is generally filled with lots of fun activities to attract visitors of all ages, celebrity performances, games, and more. For the contest, participants get 5 minutes in which they have to consume as many cupcakes as they possibly can. But it is not just about having lots of cakes, but the event is also a charitable program where proceeds from the event go to the Help 4 Kids and Backpack Buddies charity. Others can also make donations even if they are not attending the event in cash or kind.

The Isle Waterloo World Cupcake Eating Championship

This contest is another exciting feature that sees contestants working to consume as many cupcakes as they can in a short time. It is a yearly event in which many persons not only participate to get the prize but also to help the charitable cause of the event. The contest, hosted by the Isle Casino Hotel Waterloo, sees celebrities and local business moguls participating just for the fun of it. In a recently concluded competition, one person devoured a total of 72 cupcakes in under six minutes. That, for sure, was a blast that year. Other participants managed to eat up to 66 cupcakes at the same time. The Isle Waterloo World Cupcake Eating Championship prepares up to and over a thousand cupcakes each year for the event, and not a single one remains at the end.

Other features of this contest include local celebrities participating in the cupcake eating contest to raise funds for a charity of their choice.

Cupcake Eating Contests in the US article image of decorated cupcakes

Got Cupcakes? Bakery Contest

The Got Cupcakes? Bakery cupcake eating contest began about two years ago and has seen successes over the said period. At the first hosting, the game attracted over 20 participants in three different age groups, with winners emerging from the competition with personal records. Some managed to finish in seconds while others took a long time to consume theirs. This contest takes place in the New York area on Bedford Avenue in Bellmore Village. The competition has three age groups ranging 12 years & under, 13-16 and 17 & over. The prizes include a cash gift, movie tickets, T-shirts and gift certificates to the bakery.

There are many other cupcake eating contests on the radar for 2020, and we know participants are not giving up on downing their favorite treats while creating a record. Are you up for any of these challenges? Well, if you are, you may have to consider beating out record-holders like Patrick Bertoletti, Cookie Jarvis, and Joey Chestnut, just to name a few.

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